Lindgren & Smith

Martin Haake and the Gourmand World Cookbooks Awards

Martin's illustrations have a habit of turning up in award winning publications. It's no surprise then that Gourmand World Cookbooks, celebrating the best in global cookbooks and wine books, voted "Weinbars in Venedig" and "Indische Küche in London" as Best Italian and Best Indian Cuisine books respectively.

Martin was given the most distinguished honor of illustrating the covers for both books and also several maps within each. We think you'll agree that it was the illustration that pushed these contenders over the top into the "win" category - or at least we'd like to think so. Take a look at the fantastic illustrations below and view more of Martin's exceptional work here
Book cover illustration
Authors Cornelia Schinharl and Beat Koelliker / Publisher Gräfe und Unzer

Author Gabriele Gugetzer / Publisher Gräfe und Unzer

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