Lindgren & Smith

Spotlight on Kim Johnson

Kim Johnson knew as a tiny tot that she wanted to be an artist, or a mad scientist. She found, however, that she really had an affinity towards those creative types, so her future seemed certain. With a Graphic Design degree in her pocket she went on to work for an animation firm where she gained a great deal of experience honing her craft. Later, founding her own animation company, she began directing commercials and high profile program openings like "The Nanny" and "The Rosie O'Donnell Show". You've no doubt seen her work in "bright lights"!

Kim shifted gears when she started a family and decided to go freelance. Having transitioned successfully, Kim is often found hanging out in her studio with her cockatiels with some old time jazz or favorite old movie playing in the background. We, for one, are quite happy that Kim took the artist route, although we're sure she would have made an excellent mad scientist.

Take a look at one of her animation projects below and a several of her gorgeous illustrations. You can also view more work here.


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